miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012

Leadership Feedback Part 3

The key challenges for giving feedback are distance from chiefs and therefore being pro-active can help to sustain momentum. Other challenges are keep everybody up to date with news and opened to groups’ leadership since they agree to a lean management. A lean management is being clean about evaluation and the measures the leader will take the corrective action.

Leadership Strategy Part 2

As I've commented earier, I work at a public university which tries to innovate. It's been done very strong ties along government of all spheres and to the C,T&I sector too. The vision to the project, according to our dean, is ap to 70 years, to change the region's economy to a sustainable-based. Actually, we are commited to those efforts, though many criticizes and say there is a political momentum here. The centenerian Unifei and the well-born Unifei Itabira have to adapt different structures, because we are more centred than the old campus.

At work our challenge is to develope projects, research, a department to centrilize and to operate the pedagogical problem-based solving problems (PBL) model for learning to integrate projects and programs called undercap "Public Services".

So, in spite of the control we cannot dismiss, we should try in 4 momentum:
1- structure momentum to asign responsables and resources (we already have this form)
2- performance momentum to stablish the criterias for evaluation and analysis of the project (we can provide a guide);
3- cultural momentum that counts on the inspiration and motivation from people to get things done, to tell us of the learnship (the way things get done);
4- political momentum that envolves disscusions about positions and cannot solve the problem at all, but serve to perceive movements of people (the environmental analysis).

Those are still controls and they may serve best as a guide or run in phases primary order and to collect data from it.

Likewise, to evaluate people is not on the basis of the momentum as big MO, but to try a rich field to not be controversial of, when requiring a hierarchy, based on the 4 momentum for the leadership.

Leadership Process Part 1

I work at a university which now is arranging its institutional plan and our second campus oppening happens ceebrating the 100th birthday. Despite the funding system for research at our country and worldwide are sufficient to invest in C&T, we benefit from partners to contruct, operate and mantain our organization. So, lots of projects has been announced as to focus on core competences back to the history of the institution to new winds of the economy from the region based on iron ore and mines to a sustainable economic network based on knowledge. Also, good ideas had brought some discutions to implement, and maybe a subcountions feeling of been evaluated to accomplish goals.

However, we have a old statement that at the moment, we are up to receive the results from the SWOT - envoronment analisis, made by a consultant.

The political approach here is really important. First, will be allections for the dean and the mayor - a partner - at here this year. Second, people mobilize for or against and take political position as staff - supperiors inside - to have bias and to be controversial to decide and even, unfortunatelly, not work-going intimidating others slowing whole organization.